
bioLeeds is a group of people interested in art, design and making with biology in Leeds city region.

Brewing Beer

Paul Beales kindly decided to brew some beer for ASMbly. This would brew over the course of ASMbly and be ready to drink on the final night when we opened to the general public.

Fermentation is an interesting biological process that the group would like to do some more experiments on.

Paul Beale makes beer at the ASMbly 2014

Paul Beale makes beer at the ASMbly 2014

Paul Beale put a duvet around his beer as it brewed at ASMbly 2014

Paul Beale put a duvet around his beer as it brewed at ASMbly 2014

ben tasting paul ben ASMbly 2014

Paul Beale and Ben tasting the beer Paul is making at ASMbly 2014.

Paul's beer at ASMbly 2014

Paul’s beer at ASMbly 2014

a chart of brown beer colours from pale to dark

a chart of brown beer colours from pale to dark