
bioLeeds is a group of people interested in art, design and making with biology in Leeds city region.

DIY microscope

Cheek cell photo using DIY microscope, by Joe Corcoran and Paul Turner
Cheek and hair cells, taken through an upgraded version of the DIY webcam microscope, made by Joe Corcoran and Paul Turner at Leeds hackspace, and instigated at bioASMbly at ASMbly pop-up lab last year.

More news about ASMbly 2014 coming soon.

We’ll be using this at the bioLeeds market stall in Huddersfield, Saturday June 28th.

cheek cell taken through DIY microscope

Market stalls, June 26th, August 2nd

There are two bioLeeds market stalls scheduled, at Huddersfield market Saturday June 28th, and Leeds market Saturday August 2nd, 11am – 3pm.

If you are are interested in helping out with the stalls, or have any form of participatory activity you’d like to try out, please just get in touch.

bioLeeds is a group of people interested in art, design, and making with biology in Leeds city region.

It is a collective name for anything and everything that anyone wants to contribute and is open to anyone who wants to be involved.

Guerrilla gorilla. BioLeeds guerrilla activity in the Packhorse pub, Leeds.

Frustrated by the amount of time it was taking to get a market to let us use an empty stall for the bioLeeds market stall, we took things into our own hands and launched an evening of guerrilla bioLeeds activity in the Packhorse pub.

Armed with paint made from natural ingredients, brushes from the pound shop, very small canvases, chromatography paper, a webcam, some salt and a big block of ice frozen in temperatures well below zero (in a University lab somewhere in the north of England), we took over a corner of the pub and started painting.

A big thank you to the staff of the Packhorse, who took it all in good humour, and in fact didn’t even seem to notice.
